
Monday, April 30, 2012

Biggest Loser

Many of you know that I am an "ex-heifer".  I really am not lying.  Today, I weigh about 80 pounds less than I did three years ago.

(Again, let me reaffirm, I love food.)

About two years ago, I was lucky enough to be determined and given the motivation to lose weight.  I did it mostly by following the Weight Watchers plan.

It was hard but I did it.

What is the problem now?  I am married and for some dumb reason... my fat is sticking to me like double sided sticky tape.

I have gained about 15 pounds since I started dating Ryan and it is really starting to bug the heebygeebies out of me.

While I was going to school and student teaching, I had felt like I had too much on my plate and I just couldn't seem to find the motivation to lose that lovely wedding weight.

However, I have now been given the motivation I need....

Biggest Loser - Family Edition.

My father in law (with the idea from my sister in law, Nanci) has created a competition within our immediate family.

It started yesterday and it goes for the next 8 weeks.  Anyone who competes in this challenge will receive $25 per pound lost during the competition!!!!  And the grand prize.... $1,000 in cash.

So to sum this post all up, I have found my long lost motivation.  Who wouldn't with this kind of money?!

My goal is to lose at least 25 pounds... and win... ;).

I will be sure to keep you all updated as the month rolls on.  I am going to need some cheerleaders by my side if I am going to win this thing.

Oh and Ryan is competing too.  I guess that is important to mention.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Do extended family members get to compete?!?
