
Thursday, July 12, 2012


As I start writing this post,  I just have to laugh.  I didn't realize how well some of you actually know me.  I thought some of you would have written Rachel Ray or other celebrity chefs but you are right.  
The correct answer is Lucille Ball, or as she is more commonly know, Lucy. 
Since Tyler was the first person to get it right, he will be getting a delicious homemade dessert for guessing the correct answer.   

However, I will make an exception to the rule and make sure all of you that commented will get a homemade dessert from me.  You know how much I love to cook and bake anyway, I don't mind.  (James and Lauri, when are you coming into town?) 

Anyway back to my post, I Love Lucy.
Now, don’t go blaming me on this crazy obsession because it was my mother who started it!  When I was little, my mom started collecting all the I Love Lucy seasons on DVD.  I absolutely fell in love with every episode.  I would laugh and laugh at all the crazy stuff that Lucy would get herself into.  Then once my mom owned all the seasons, she began to collect the Lucy Barbie dolls.  I loved looking at the small detail that they would put into every doll.  It was like Lucy had come to life for me.  One summer we even took a trip and visited where Lucy was born… Jamestown, New York.  One Halloween I dressed up like Lucy.  My mother made the blue polka dot dress, red wig and all.  I have even been given Lucy pajama pants, address books, journals, cookbooks, purses, and so much more!  I have tons of her memorabilia!    

How can someone not be obsessed with this kind of upbringing?!

Again, let me reiterate, I Love Lucy. 

Yesterday Ryan and I were watching an episode that I recorded on DVR.  The TV guide said the episode title was “Lucy’s Schedule” and within the first few seconds of watching the show I knew that there was a slight problem.  The show we were watching was actually “Ricky has labor pains”.  TV land made a mistake on the title of the show they were showing.  Only a true Lucy fan would have caught that slip-up! 
I love that fact that Lucy could make people laugh and she didn’t do it by being vulgar or crude.  It was just good, plain ol’ humor and the best part about it is that she continues to make people laugh through her reruns that are broadcasted all over the world.  What a legacy!

Did you know that she suffered from Ornithophobia?  (I had to look it up when I first found out… it’s an abnormal fear of birds.)
I could go on and on and on and on about all the things I have learned about her life through documentaries, books, and the internet.  However, I won’t bore you.  Just know that I Love Lucy.   

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